Following up on Jim Hill's series from last week, Wade Sampson now shares some of his favorite stories about cartoons that parodied Walt Disney and/or the...
As Buena Vista Home Entertainment gets this acclaimed series of nature films ready for their upcoming DVD release, Wade Sampson reveals how Walt Disney originally got...
Wade Sampson provides even more information about this controversial film. From the location in Arizona where much much of this live action / animated feature was...
In honor of this week's unveiling of the new "Disney Romance" stamps at Epcot, Wade Sampson talks about that time back in 1968 that the U.S....
Just in time for Easter, Wade Sampson talks about the historical significance of an animated short that Walt Disney Studios produced back in 1934
Wade Sampson returns with a full history of the Carousel of Progress, tracing the history of this beloved attraction all the back to its Edison Square...
Wade Sampson shares another amazing Disney-related article from his extensive magazine collection. This time around, it's a piece from a November 1938 issue of "Liberty Magazine"...
Wade Sampson wonders if the real inspiration for "The Happiest Place on Earth" can actually be found in the Windy City. To prove his point, Wade...
What to bone up on some pretty uesless trivia? Wade Sampson shares some fun factoids that some Disneyland PR flak threw together back in 1957, back...
Wade Sampson shares an article from a 1953 issue of McCalls, where Lillian looks back on the life that she shared with Walt Disney