Disney Cruise has announced a special Kids Sail Free on select Mexican Riviera Disney Cruises during the travel dates listed above. Book an inside, ocean...
"Dumbo" may not be the shortest animated feature that Walt Disney Animation Studios ever produced ("Saludos Amigos" is actually shorter. This 1942 release clocks in a...
How the Disney / Avatar Theme Park Deal Really Came Together So when exactly does the story of The Walt Disney Company's desire to build a...
As a longtime fan of hand-drawn animation, it did my heart good this past weekend to see Disney’s “The Lion King” once again wind up on...
As any good gardener will tell you, Fall is a great time to prune. Why For? Because once the leaves are off the tree, you can...
The Real Stewardesses of Pan Am Buckle up! Adventure calls. The Real Stewardesses of Pan Am is a new original web series on abc.com about the...
Burbank, CA, September 15, 2011 . . . The Disney/ABC Television Group today announced that Carolina Lightcap, president, Disney Channels Worldwide, has decided to step down...
GENERAL HOSPITAL Just as Jason Morgan and Samantha McCall are about to become husband and wife, psychotic artist Franco (Oscar® nominee James Franco) returns to...
How does a well-intentioned restoration wind up being thought of as a desecration of a once-popular motion picture? That’s what Steven Spielberg seemed to be wondering...
You know everything that you think you know about Hawaii? That island paradise with the luaus and the tiki torches (not to mention the concrete canyons...