Jim Hill continues his series on the many movie & television adaptations of Charles Dickens' classic holiday tale. This time around, Jim talks about the 1988...
Continuing to explore Paramount Pictures' 1988 release, "Scrooged," Jim Hill shares some image captures of the bogus holiday special that was supposed to have aired live...
Jim Hill continues his series on the many movie & television adaptations of Charles Dickens' classic holiday tale. This time around, Jim talks about that not-so-special...
Jim Hill continues his series on the many movie & television adaptations of Charles Dickens' classic holiday tale. This time around, Jim talks about the 1984...
Jim Hill continues his series on the many movie & television adaptations of Charles Dickens' classic holiday tale. This time around, Jim talks about Disney's 1983...
Jim Hill takes a look at this new paperback from Gemstone Publishing, an affordable & informative paperback that offers highlights of the past seven decades worth...
Jim Hill continues his look at the many film & television adaptations of "A Christmas Carol." This time around, Jim talks about the TV movie version...
Jim Hill takes a closer look at the Walt Disney Company's handling of the announcement of upcoming lay-offs at WDFA, reveals where you can go to...
Jim Hill continues his look at various film & television adaptations of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol." This time around, Jim talks about "Bug Bunny's Looney...
Jim Hill continues his look at many of the film & television adaptations of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol." This time around, Jim talks about "An...