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“But obviously, we’re still not completely safe” … Not even at Walt Disney World

Let me guess. You spent the better part of yesterday listening to the radio and/or watching television. As you tried to take in all of that truly scary news that was coming out of the U.K., right?

You’re wondering what this all means now, aren’t you? What the long-term ramifications of this new “No-liquids-or-gels-allowed-in-your-carry-on-bag” rule might be.

l mean, at a time like this, you want to be reassured that — eventually — things will be alright again, right? That everything will be getting back to normal soon. But then you hear President Bush (speaking with reporters yesterday as he arrived at Austin Straubel International Airport in Greenbay, WI) say something like:

“This country is safer than it was prior to 9/11. We’ve taken a lot of measures to protect the American people. But obviously, we’re still not completely safe. Because there are people that still plot and people who want to harm us for what we believe in. It is a mistake to believe there is no threat to the United States of America.”

And that’s it. When you hear the President of the United States say ” … obviously, we’re still not completely safe ” … Well, that’s when you swear that you’re never getting on a plane again, right? You just want to crawl into bed and pull the covers over your head. Never leave your home ever again. Because the world is such a scary place nowadays. Much scarier than it used to be, anyway.

Well, whenever I hear anyone express a sentiment like that, you know what I tell them? “Bullsh*t.”

Please forgive me for using adult language on what is supposed to be a family-friendly website. But the way I see it … The world has always been a very scary place. If you haven’t actually noticed this before now … Well, I guess that means that you really haven’t been paying attention.

“But … But … But …,” you sputter. ” It wasn’t like this back in the 1970s. Back then, there weren’t these weird threats popping up all the time. Make us feel uneasy about places we used to assume were completely safe.”

Oh, really? Then take a look at this copy of a “Flash from 4500.” Which I unearthed during a recent trip to the Disney Depository at the Orlando Public Library:

For those of you (like myself) who sometimes have trouble reading smallish print, let me now post a somewhat larger version of the same text:

The following statement was released today Friday Feburary 4, to press representatives:

On Thursday, Feb. 3, Walt Disney World received several calls from an unidentified male threatening an explosion and seeking money.

During the evening, after the regular closing hours of the Magic Kingdom theme park, the caller said he had planted a bomb. Within a few minutes employees located a suspicious looking case in a non-public area of Frontierland. The case was turned over to law enforcement officials. Up to this time, we have not been informed whether it actually contained an explosive substance or device. Since this happened at night after closing there was no involvement of guests in the incident.

An attempt was made to carry out the caller’s demands for payment of money but no one attempted to collect the funds. There has been no communication with the caller since Thursday night.

Necessary precautions and investigative procedures have been instituted. We feel additonal details at this time could be detrimental to an orderly investigation.

Now let me stress that this particular bomb threat happened ‘way back in February of 1972. Disney World had not even been open six months yet and already the crazies were coming out of the woodwork.

Mind you, there’s actually a happy ending to this particular story. The Orange County Sheriff’s Office — working with both WDW Security as well as the FBI — did eventually catch this guy. Who (If I’m remembering correctly) turned out to be a cast member who was just looking to cash in by pretending to be a mad bomber.

So even Walt Disney World back in the 1970s wasn’t ” … completely safe.” The threat of terrorism (Well, in this case, pretend terrorism) managed to touch the Magic Kingdom. And even though this story was fairly widely reported by the press back in the day … Well, that still didn’t stop tens of thousands of tourists from visiting the “Vacation Kingdom of the World” in 1972. Or in the 30+ years that followed, for that matter.

So, okay. Here we are, facing yet another one of these extremely odd post-9/11 moments. Where the world once again seems like a very scary place.

But (as I mentioned earlier) the world has always been a very scary place. So please don’t let the next new “Big Scary Thing du Jour” prevent you from actually getting out there and enjoying your life.

So (at least for the time being, anyway) we’re looking at long lines at the airport. Plus no liquids or gels being allowed in your carry-on bag. Big deal. We got used to that whole take-your-shoes-off-and-put-them-on-the-belt-before-going-through-the-metal-detector thing, didn’t we? If we could do that … Well, I sure that we’ll eventually get used to this new safety rule too.

Alright. I’ll admit that all the images on TV of long lines at the security checkpoints, of people frantically repacking their bags right there in the concourse, of additional security patrolling the halls, are rather off-putting. So if you’ve got a trip coming up, I could honestly understand & sympathize if you’re thinking that “Maybe I should postpone … “

But you know, Woody Allen once said this incredibly simple but rather profound thing. That “90% of life is just showing up.”

And — when you really think about it — what are you actually going to accomplish if you stay home? I mean, sure. You’ll be completely safe there. Unless — of course — you break your neck by slipping in the shower and/or by tripping over a cat.

Look, I know. For the next couple of weeks or so, it’s going to be a real hassle getting through security at the airport. And it’s going to be somewhat scary just to have to get on a plane. That said, I still think that — if you’re already scheduled to travel during this period — that you should still “just show up” at the airport & take that trip.

I mean, be like those tourists back in the Spring of 1972. Who knew all about the bomb threats at Walt Disney World but still went ahead with their vacations.

Go ahead. Get a little of your own personal sense of well-being back by … Well, daring to actually live a little.

Your thoughts?

Jim Hill

Jim Hill is an entertainment writer who has specialized in covering The Walt Disney Company for nearly 40 years now. Over that time, he has interviewed hundreds of animators, actors, and Imagineers -- many of whom have shared behind-the-scenes stories with Mr. Hill about how the Mouse House really works. In addition to the 4000+ articles Jim has written for the Web, he also co-hosts a trio of popular podcasts: “Disney Dish with Len Testa,” “Fine Tooning with Drew Taylor” and “Marvel US Disney with Aaron Adams.” Mr. Hill makes his home in Southern New Hampshire with his lovely wife Nancy and two obnoxious cats, Ginger & Betty.

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