Michael Howe's excellent series on the North American release of this Hayao Miyazaki animation classic continues. In today's installment, Michael details how Disney dropped the ball...
Michael Howe's new series on this year's Academy Award winner for Best Animated Feature continues. In today's installment, Michael details the distribution deal that Disney put...
Michael Howe's new series on this year's Academy Award winner for Best Animated Feature continues. In today's installment, Michael details the distribution deal that Disney put...
To coincide with today's video and DVD release of this year's recipient of the Best Animated Feature Oscar, JHM proudly presents Michael Howe's new series on...
As WDI tries to regroup from Friday's startling announcement, Jim Hill sifts through the clues and tries to figure out what comes next for the "Superstar...
Just can't wait 'til May 30th to find out what "Finding Nemo" is actually all about? Jim Hill brings you a detailed breakdown of the storyline...
Expecting a book review, were you? Well, too bad. This time around, Jim suggests you pick up a copy of the "Groove" CD so you can...
Shifting away from the Mouse for just a moment, Jim Hill shines a spotlight over on Universal Studios' theme parks today. Revealing what went on behind-the-scenes...
Thanks to loyal JHM reader, MrTheFrog, here's the first detailed description of Walt Disney Pictures' much anticipated November 2003 release. Just be warned, foolish mortals ......
Jim Hill's back with even more answers to your Disney-related questions. This time around, Jim tells you where Richard Nixon was in "World of Motion," why...