Disney Theatrical is trying an intriguing experiment at the Lunt Fontaine theatre over the next nine weeks, bringing "All My Children" 's Jacob Young in to...
Rumors abound that Tony Baxter has just been tapped to oversee a redo of this Future World favorite which would finally re-unite Figment with his old...
Following up on Jim Hill's series from last week, Wade Sampson now shares some of his favorite stories about cartoons that parodied Walt Disney and/or the...
By opting not to renew its global marketing alliance with McDonald’s as well as radically rethinking the types of food products that its characters will now...
Jim Hill talks about tonight's premiere of "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" on the Disney Channel, the Walt Disney Company's latest attempt to make the corporation's core roup...
In the final installment of this three part series, Jim Hill pays tribute to those magical movie moments when WDFA & Dreamworks Animation employees put the...
As Buena Vista Home Entertainment gets this acclaimed series of nature films ready for their upcoming DVD release, Wade Sampson reveals how Walt Disney originally got...
As this new three part series continues, now Jay Ward and Bob Clampett both take swipes at "The Happiest Place on Earth."
Properly warned, ye be. Jim Hill is about to reveal several major plot points from the upcoming "Pirates of the Caribbean" sequel, which will be sailing...
Wade Sampson provides even more information about this controversial film. From the location in Arizona where much much of this live action / animated feature was...