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Disney’s Soda Fountain makes a sweet addition to El Capitan theatre complex

Normally, people get pretty upset when they see mice at a place that serves food. But that’s clearly not the case with Disney’s new Soda Fountain & Studio Store.

Photo by Jeff Lange

Following last Thursday’s star ceremony on Hollywood Boulevard for Disneyland, Disneyana fans quickly made their way inside & swarmed all over this new establishment. “Ooh”-ing and “Aah”-ing at its kooky decor …

Photo by Jeff Lange

Yes, that is a recreation of the fabled Disney vault, where all of the studio’s animated films supposedly go once they’ve been “retired” … Hmmn … I wonder if there are any “Little Mermaid” DVDs stashed back there?

Speaking of DVDs: The Soda Fountain & Studio Store has a big selection of Buena Vista Home Entertainment releases for sale. Not to mention a wide variety of  glasses and coffee mugs …

Photo by Jeff Lange

… as well as t-shirts, hats and pins …

Photo by Jeff Lange

… All of which features the Disney’s Soda Fountain & Studio Store logo and/or hypes the film that’s currently playing next door at the El Capitan, “Herbie: Fully Loaded.”

But — let’s face it, folks — when you come to a soda fountain, you’re not looking for a radio-controlled car. You’re looking for something to eat.

As of this moment, Disney’s Soda Fountain has a somewhat limited menu. It currently only offers three sandwiches — a hot dog ($5.25), a grilled cheese ($5.25) and a Mickey Mouse-shaped peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich ($5.25). Plus an assortment of old soda fountain favorites like old time phosphates ($2.95) and ice cream sodas ($3.95).

But — to be honest — it’s the ice cream that’s the real draw at Disney’s Soda Fountain. By that I mean: This stuff comes straight from Dewar’s Ice Cream Parlor in Bakerfield, CA.

Photo by Jeff Lange

And the staff at Disney’s Soda Fountain & Studio Store … They take all of that custom prepared ice cream as well as Dewar’s hot fudge and marshmellow sauce and create some pretty spectacular eats.

Photo by Jeff Lange

Take — for example — this show-stopping snack. This, my friends, is a “Mickey’s Masterpiece.” According to the Disney Soda Fountain menu, this spectacular sundae is ….

… inspired by the Sorcerer himself. Your choice of eight scoops of ice cream smothered in hot fudge, caramel and marshmellow. Topped with nuts & swirls of whipped cream, all served in a sorcerer’s apprentice dish. The perfect sundae to share with your mouseketeers.

“Mickey’s Masterpiece” is obviously not for the faint of heart. Or for those who are light of pocket. This super-sized sundae is a pretty pricey $24.95.

Then there’s the embarassment factor. Before they deliver this diet buster to your table, the staff of Disney’s Soda Fountain parades the dish through the dining area. Loudly proclaiming to all who are there that you & your friends are about to eat a billion calories.

Photo by Jeff Lange

Mind you, if you actually do complete eating a “Mickey’s Masterpiece,” the management of Disney’s Soda Fountain & Studio Store will happily present you with a limited edition pin. (Sadly, after my friends & I had mawed our “Mickey’s Masterpiece” last Thursday, we found out that these pins hadn’t actually arrived at the store yet. But the soda fountain’s manager took down all of our names & addresses and promised that — as soon as these pins came in — he’d mail them off to us. So I’ll post a picture of that pin as soon as I receive it.)

Anyway, Disney’s Soda Fountain & Studio Store makes a sweet addition to the El Capitan theatre complex. Which is why I’m sure that movie-goers will enjoy grabbing a quick snack here and/or doing a bit of shopping before catching the latest Disney flick next door.

Disney’s Soda Fountain & Studio Store is located at 6834 Hollywood Boulevard. This combination restaurant / shop is open daily from 9:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. For further information of its menu and/or selection of merchandise, follow this link.

Jeff Lange

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