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How Did We Get “Aladdin’s Oasis” at Disneyland?

Disneyland had what it thought was a solid expansion plan for the early 1990s.

This plan meant that – for four years – Disneyland Park would have something new to help drive up attendance levels. Which – given that the Happiest Place on Earth relied heavily on the annual visits of millions of Southern Californian locals in order to meet its annual attendance goals – seemed like a great idea. So budgets were approved, schedules were set. Mouse House managers seemed happy.

But then Disney’s “Aladdin” opened in theaters on November 25, 1992.

Success of Disney’s Animated Film “Aladdin”

This hand-drawn animated feature quickly became the highest grossing film of the year. This Ron Clements / John Musker movie also became the very first full-length animated feature to sell over a half a billion worth of tickets worldwide.

More to the point, “Aladdin” turned out to be an attendance driver at Disney-MGM Studio theme park in Florida. When the “Aladdin’s Royal Caravan” parade debuted at that theme park on December 21, 1992 (some four weeks after this film had first bowed in theaters), people lined up along Hollywood Boulevard hours in advance to claim a great viewing spot for this twice-daily presentation.

Likewise the Soundstage Restaurant at that theme park was doing turn-away business for its “Breakfast with Aladdin.” Which did not go unnoticed by the folks back in Burbank.

They turned to the team at Disneyland and said “ … have you seen what’s going on in Orlando with all of the ‘Aladdin’ stuff?” To which Disneyland managers said, “Yes, that’s nice. But have you seen our already scheduled / budgeted expansion plan for the next four years?” To which the folks back in Burbank would say “ … Mr. Eisner really wants to see some stuff in Disneyland that celebrates Aladdin.” To which the people who work in the Team Disney Anaheim building said “Yes, sir. Right away, sir.”

“Aladdin’s Royal Caravan” Parade

The first thing they did was order up a clone of Disney-MGM’s “Aladdin’s Royal Caravan” parade. Even with a rush order, this 5 unit parade (which was supported by a cast of nearly 100 performers) didn’t begin rolling through Disneyland Park ‘til April 2, 1993. Nearly six months after this animated feature first arrived in theaters.

Credit: Flickr

Interesting side note here: Because the parade route at Disneyland is so much longer than the one that runs through Disney-MGM, the Entertainment team in Anaheim decided to expand the cast of their version of the “Aladdin’s Royal Caravan” parade. It featured three new sets of characters:

Trust me on this, people. You do NOT want to Google “Harem Camels.” This walk-around characters from the “Aladdin’s Royal Caravan” parade will haunt your dreams.

Dining with Aladdin – Transforming Disneyland’s Tahitian Terrace

Which brings us to the food component of today’s story. Because Disneyland really wanted its own “Aladdin” -themed restaurant that would then do the same sort of turn-away business that Disney-MGM’s Soundstage Restaurant was doing with its super-popular “Breakfast with Aladdin” offering.

On a parallel track, the folks who ran the Tahitian Terrace at Disneyland Park (which had first opened back in 1962 and – I’m now quoting from the flyer that they used to hand Guests as they came through the turnstiles at the front of the Park – served “ … unique Polynesian specialties served in an exotic setting bordering the Rivers of the Jungle Cruise”) realized that this Walt-era restaurant really needed some TLC.

By that I mean: The waterfall curtain (This was one of the defining features of this Adventureland eatery. As Guests dined on teriyaki steak and Australian lobster tail, this waterfall curtain would suddenly part. And then performers would come out and spin fire torches or pull people up onstage & teach them to hula) was looking kind of raggedy. And the Park’s Maintenance Team had a sit-down with the Imagineers about how …

“While You’re Fixing the Jungle Cruise, can you….?”

Well, given that the Jungle Cruise was scheduled to undergo a reinvention the following year (The idea was that all of the boats in this Adventureland attaction’s fleet would then lose their signature red & white awnings and then become far grubbier, more beat-up looking. So that Disneyland’s Jungle Cruise and the soon-to-open “Temple of the Forbidden Eye” would then appear to be telling one consistent, cohesive story), the folks in charge of the Tahitian Terrace were like “ … Hey, you’re making all of those changes to the Jungle Cruise next year. While that work is going on, can we please get some guys come by and fix the waterfall curtain at our restaurant? Cause it’s looking kind of raggedy.”

To which the Imagineers replied “We’ve got an even better idea. We’re now going to gut the Tahitian Terrace and turn it into ‘Aladdin’s Oasis.’ Which will feature animatronics & elaborate special effects that happen right at the dining table in front of the Guests and a big cast of performers. And … “

To which the folks in charge of the Tahitian Terrace said “ … We just need the waterfall curtain repaired.”

How Long Did it Take to Build “Aladdin’s Oasis”?

It didn’t matter. After nearly 30 years in operation (and 40,000 performances of the show which was offered with dinner at this Adventureland eatery), Disneyland’s Tahitian Terrace closed on April 17, 1993. Only to then re-opened just three months later as Aladdin’s Oasis.

To say that this was a rush job was putting in mildly. I got to talk with some of the folks who worked construction on this project. They talked about how – on the usual Disneyland restaurant redo – there was typically  a full year between when a concept was first developed and when the finished eatery then opened its doors. In the case of “Aladdin’s Oasis,” from the moment where people in Burbank initially suggested this idea to when this new Adventureland restaurant then opened was five months.

Things were moving so fast on this project … Well, they initially didn’t have any finished blueprints on site. So – to get a sense of what an Aladdin-themed restaurant might look like – one of the construction foreman went down to Main Street and purchased a copy of John Culhane’s “Disney’s Aladdin: The Making of an Animated Film” with his own money. The construction team then regularly consulted Culhane’s book when it was crafting props right there onsite.

Credit: D23

“Aladdin’s Oasis” Shows and Presentation

The plan here was that “Aladdin’s Oasis” would present eight shows a day starting at 11 a.m. (Three lunch-time performances and then five dinner-time presentations). With the final show getting underway at 10 p.m. every night.

As for the old Tahitian Terrace space with its waterfall curtain, it had been reimagined as this grand Persian Palace which has been built right at the edge of the Rivers that Disneyland’s Jungle Cruise plies. “Aladdin’s Oasis” is – for lack of a better term – a sixth century supper club. 250 people at a time would be seated & then greeted by Kazim, the owner of this now-ornate establishment. Which was now festooned with hanging brass lanterns, colorful canopies and Oriental carpets.

As Guests eyeball the menu (trying to decide if – for their entrée – they’re going to have the chicken shish kabob served with a herb yogurt sauce, the beef shish kabob with ride, or the vegetarian offering), Aladdin suddenly runs into this restaurant clutching a loaf of bread. He’s then pursued by Jafar’s henchmen. And – as these performers race up & down the aisles of this café – they then sing the “One Jump” song for the “Aladdin” film.

That moment pretty much established the style & tone of the show presented in “Aladdin’s Oasis.” It’s not a beat-for-beat recreation of the storyline of that animated feature. But – rather – kind of a greatest hits. With the idea that – whenever possible – the storyline of this sixth century supper club show would then circle back to a food-based moment.

Take – for example – when “Friend Like Me” was performed in this Adventureland eatery. Before this song got underway, Guests were encouraged to rub the magic lamp which was right in the center of their table. It would then begin to smoke. And as the song began, servers would then come out and deliver dessert. Which was a chocolate lamp filled with chocolate mousse and a berry topping.

And did I mention the Audio-Animatronic version of Iago (which Gilbert Gottfried recorded all sorts of new dialogue for?) Or how Jafar actually performed magic tricks onstage, with he & an assistant jamming swords into the top & the sides of a box that Princess Jasmine was supposedly hiding in? Or the ”Three Wishes,” which was this scantily clad trio of girls who belly-danced and often sang back-up for Aladdin & Kazim.

There’s a number of videos of the “Aladdin’s Oasis” show up on YouTube right now. So it’s easy for you to go see how elaborate & ambitious this Disneyland supper club experience once was. What’s not easy to understand is why – even though “Aladdin” was a hit movie (and would then go on – in September of 1993 – to sell millions of VHSs) – why this Adventureland eatery then closed its doors in the late Summer of 1994 (Just 14 months after it first opened).

Was “Aladdin’s Oasis” Successful?

To be blunt, everything at a Disney theme park is considered its own profit center. It has to make a certain regular return-on-investment in order to justify the ongoing cost of staffing the place. And that just wasn’t the case with “Aladdin’s Oasis.”

As it was explained to me … This Disneyland project had been so rushed (in order to make Michael Eisner happy. He reportedly insisted that “Aladdin’s Oasis” had to be up & running at Disneyland Park before the VHS version of “Aladdin” became available for purchase in September of 1993) and the Company has spent so much money getting this sixth century supper club up out of the ground … Well, the only way this place could ever recover its construction costs was if every single seat at all eight seatings every day were filled. And especially during Disneyland’s off-season (when fewer people went to the Park each day. Especially mid-week), that just wasn’t possible.

Disneyland did what it could to boost advance reservations at “Aladdin’s Oasis.” For a time, if you booked a dinner package at this Adventureland eatery, you not only got a reserved viewing spot for the “Aladdin’s Royal Caravan” parade, you also got a prime viewing spot for “Fantasmic!” thrown in for free too.

After “Aladdin’s Oasis”

A few months after the very last presentation of the “Aladdin’s Royal Caravan” parade rolled through Disneyland in June of 1994, “Aladdin’s Oasis” shut its doors over in Adventureland. For a time, the Park’s Entertainment team would use this space for a storytime meet-n-greet experience with Aladdin, Jasmine and the Genie.

More recently, this space along the Rivers that make up Disneyland’s Jungle Cruise was gutted so that the Tropical Hideaway could then be built. This quick service restaurant opened in Adventureland back in December of 2018. Its primary appeal is that you can get a variety of flavors of Dole Whip here, plus Polynesian themed nibblies.

More Supper Club Experiences

Just so you know: The failure of “Aladdin’s Oasis” back in 1993 & 1994 exacted a price. The Imagineers had two other supper club experiences in the works back then. One that was supposed to be built at Disney’s Boardwalk and was supposed to have been Little Mermaid-themed, and another that was supposed to have been built inside of Disney-MGM as part of that theme park’s Sunset Boulevard expansion. That one was supposed to have replicated the South Seas Club from Disney’s June 1991 release, “The Rocketeer.”

Did any of you get to experience “Aladdin’s Oasis” in person? What do you remember of this short-lived dining experience at Disneyland?

Jim Hill

Jim Hill is an entertainment writer who has specialized in covering The Walt Disney Company for nearly 40 years now. Over that time, he has interviewed hundreds of animators, actors, and Imagineers -- many of whom have shared behind-the-scenes stories with Mr. Hill about how the Mouse House really works. In addition to the 4000+ articles Jim has written for the Web, he also co-hosts a trio of popular podcasts: “Disney Dish with Len Testa,” “Fine Tooning with Drew Taylor” and “Marvel US Disney with Aaron Adams.” Mr. Hill makes his home in Southern New Hampshire with his lovely wife Nancy and two obnoxious cats, Ginger & Betty.

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