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Is Mickey making a movie version of Berkeley Breathed’s “Mars Needs Moms!” ?

We got any Berkeley Breathed fans out there? You know? That Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist who brought us “Bloom County,” “Outland” and “Opus”?

Copyright 2007 Berkeley Breathed

Berkeley is an incredibly gifted storyteller and an absolutely fearless cartoonist. And over the years, he’s tackled a wide variety of topics. But — me personally — I always loved it when Breathed would trot out Mortimer Mouse. Mickey’s estranged, anatomically correct fraternal twin.

Copyright 1992 Berkeley Breathed / Little Brown Co.

To be honest, one of the reasons that I always enjoyed Mortimer’s appearances was that the Walt Disney Company actually tried to put a stop to them. As the story goes, almost within moments of Mickey’s brother’s first appearance in this strip, Disney’s attorneys sent Berkeley a cease-and-desist letter. Which supposedly stated that if Breathed persisted in using Mortimer in “Outland,” the Mouse’s lawyers would sue Berkeley within an inch of his life.

Breathed’s response? He immediately created this series of strips entitled “Who Plugged Mortimer Mouse.” Which — over the course of three Sunday panels — revealed that Michael Eisner himself had put out a hit on Mickey’s brother. Brain-washing Bill the Cat to go after Mortimer with a chainsaw while wearing a pair of mouse ears.

Copyright 1992 Berkeley Breathed / Little Brown Co.

Realizing that they were now dealing with someone who wasn’t actually frightened by cease-and-desist letters (More importantly, after realizing that the company would be in for some really bad publicity if they went with this lawsuit), Disney’s lawyers quickly backed off. And Mortimer (Still wandering around with that bite mark out of his left ear. Which supposedly came about after Michael bit Mortimer during a particularly heated exchange in Eisner’s office) continued making appearances in “Outland” ’til Breathed stopped drawing this Sunday strip in March of 1995.

Still, given that upper management at Disney allegedly hated Breathed in the late 1980s / early 1990s, I never thought that I’d live to see the day when Mickey & Berkeley would actually get together and collaborate on a project. Well, what a difference a decade or two makes. For Walt Disney Studios now owns the film rights to not one but two of Breathed’s children’s books. With the Mouse’s most recent acquisition being Berkeley’s latest story, “Mars Needs Moms!” (Philomel, April 2007).

Copyright 2007 Berkeley Breathed / Philomel Books

Of course, once you actually read “Mars Needs Moms!,” you’ll immediately realize why Disney’s development team is eager to turn Breathed’s book into a full-blown feature film. For this sweet, silly story is arguably Berkeley’s very best work.

“Mars Needs Moms!” stars Milo, a tow-head kid who is feeling very put upon these days. Given that his mother is spoiling his summer by forcing her son to do all of these awful chores like weeding the garden and taking out the garbage. Or — worse than that — eating all of his vegetables.

Copyright 2007 Berkeley Breathed / Philomel Books

So when Milo’s mother fails to see the humor in her son tinting his baby sister purple, she immediately orders him up to his room.

“UP TO BED! NOW!” she thundered.

“Tyrant!” barked Milo.

“NO SUPPER!” said his mother.

As she left his room, Milo yelled, “I SURE DON’T SEE WHAT’S SO SPECIAL ABOUT MOTHERS!”

She paused when he said this, and then closed the door very, very slowly.

But what Milo doesn’t realize is (as Breathed “borrows” a chunk from the opening of H.G. Wells‘ “The War of the Worlds“) that …

“Across the gulf of space, critters messy and unmothered regarded this planet with envious eyes …

Copyright 2007 Berkeley Breathed / Philomel Books

… and slowly but surely drew their plans for a visit.”

And given that Milo is so tuckered out from his earlier fit, he initially doesn’t hear the rumble of the rocket as it lands just outside of town.

Copyright 2007 Berkeley Breathed / Philomel Books

But when the Martian raiders arrive at his house and carry Milo’s mom off …

Copyright 2007 Berkeley Breathed / Philomel Books

… Well, in spite of her attitudes concerning vegetable eating and chore completion, Milo has to do something.

And that’s all of this story that I’m going to reveal. To say any more would spoil this really sweet book. Which — if you’re smart — you’ll quickly purchase a copy of and immediately send it off to your own mom.

Of course, if you’re really, really smart, you’ll head on out to that handful of bookstores where Berkeley Breathed will be making personal appearances over the next two weeks. Where he will first meet with fans and then sign copies of “Mars Needs Moms!”

The lucky stores where Breathed will making stops at on this book tour are:

Please note that Breathed is actually ending his latest book tour on Mother’s Day. Which — given “Mars Needs Moms!” ‘s subject matter — is entirely appropriate.

Copyright 2007 Berkeley Breathed / Philomel Books

Also, given that Berkeley doesn’t often do book signings, this may be your one and only opportunity to meet this Pulitzer Prize winner face to face. So if Breathed is coming to your neck of the woods over the next two weeks, I’d make an effort to get out and see him.

In fact, that’s what Nancy and I will be doing this Friday night. Making the drive down from New Hampshire to get our copy of “Mars Needs Moms!” signed at Willow Books.

Anyway, if you’d like an advance peek at a story that may someday become a Walt Disney Pictures release, I suggest that you pick up a copy of Berkeley Breathed’s latest, “Mars Needs Moms!”

Your thoughts?

Jim Hill

Jim Hill is an entertainment writer who has specialized in covering The Walt Disney Company for nearly 40 years now. Over that time, he has interviewed hundreds of animators, actors, and Imagineers -- many of whom have shared behind-the-scenes stories with Mr. Hill about how the Mouse House really works. In addition to the 4000+ articles Jim has written for the Web, he also co-hosts a trio of popular podcasts: “Disney Dish with Len Testa,” “Fine Tooning with Drew Taylor” and “Marvel US Disney with Aaron Adams.” Mr. Hill makes his home in Southern New Hampshire with his lovely wife Nancy and two obnoxious cats, Ginger & Betty.

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