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JHM Pledge Drive an overwhelming success … thanks to generous people like you!

Okay. Here’s a really stupid question … but I’m going to ask it anyway: How many of you are familiar with the movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life”?

Well, if you know this great Frank Capra film, then perhaps you’ll understand why I’m feeling very George Bailey-ish right about now.

No, not the suicidal George. The one who stands on that bridge in the snowstorm. The one who seems to have lost all hope. But the OTHER George Bailey. The one at the end of the movie. Who stands — amazed, awed, touched beyond words — as seemingly the entire community of Bedford Falls turns up in his living room. Determined to do whatever they can. All because they heard George was in trouble.

Last week, I put out the word that I needed some help here at the site. Not knowing what to expect. And you folks responded by opening your hearts and your wallets. Thanks to extremely generous folks like …

Jeffery Alter
Michael Aronson
Sue Aldrich
Mark Bagby
Charles Barbec (2nd donation)
Marla Brockmeyer
Nathaniel Brown
Doug Buchanan
Gregg Caya
Herbie Chan
Keefe Chew
Eric Chu
Anthony Collett
Bernice Collins
Timothy L. Crabtree
Joshua Cunningham
Daniel Elcock
Amy Greenberg
Rick Gutierrez
Karl Guttag
Aaron Hawkins
Ron Hinkle
Sara Anne Huban
Clay Hudson
Holly Jordan
Mitchell Kryyzek, Jr.
Tom Ledbetter
Brandon Manning
Richard Mastanich
Noelle Meirose
Mark Miller
Steve Mizera
Douglas Molstad
Sean Moore
John Paul Moran
Wendy Palmquist
Justin Ponzi
Jason Rhodes
Rick Riopelle
Jean-Luis Ruiz
Jason Schofield
Thomas Sieczko
Mike Skinner
Nancy Skooglund
Norman Snyder
Lee Szolusha
Todd Vargo
Brian Warneke
Michael Wiltse

… as well as generous donations from 3 folks who wish to remain “Anonymous” and 1 who would prefer to remain “Anonymouse,” the was a huge success.

“How successful?” you ask. Well … our target goal was $5000. (This is the amount that my ex — AKA the Fabulous Disney Babe — is looking for her share of JHM). As of midnight Friday night, we had recieved over $4200. Which puts us within spitting distance of our final buy-out cost.

Which (to my way of thinking, anyway) is a pretty colossal achievement. That that much money could be raised in such a short amount of timing.

But — as nice as it was to recieve those donations — what really touched me were the notes that came with those pledges. People who talked about how important was to them. How they started their day by visiting this website. How much they enjoyed the stories that I wrote as well as the other articles that the rest of the JHM staff contributed.

That … and the potential sponsors who came out the woodwork. People who said “I’d love to advertise on your site” or “I’d love to serve as your host.” Plus the nice folks who offered to donate brand new laptops for my use.

It’s all been very gratifying. As well as more than a little overwhelming.

Anywho … I just wanted to thank everyone who took the time to donate in last week’s pledge drive. In fact, I’ll be sending personal “Thank You” notes to everyone who sent donations once I get back to New Hampshire next week. So keep an eye out for that e-mail in the last week of March / first week of April.

Also … for those folks who said that they’d like to donate but didn’t have PayPay accounts and/or had trouble with, you can (if you’d prefer) to send checks along to:
P.O. Box 261
New Boston, N.H. 03070

Again, I just wanted to thank the nearly 200 people who took part in last week’s JHM pledge drive. Your generosity really meant a lot to me. And — thanks to your contributions — we really are about to begin a new era here at the website.

And it’s all because of you.

Okay … moving on to other business now. I’m out in Southern California this week. Which is typically a time when JHM gets a little light on content. What with spending time with my darling daughter, Alice, as well as making that long drive from Poway, CA. to LA to do interviews and visit with friends … that eats into my writing time a bit.

But — that said — I’ll still try and churn out some decent stories for you folks while I’m out west. For example: I should have a piece up about John Hench’s memorial service up on JHM sometime later today and/or early tomorrow. So keep an eye out for that.

Look for things to get back on normal on or about March 24th when I get back home to New England.

In the meantime, thanks to all of you who took part in my surprise 45th birthday party last Thursday night in Glendale. It really meant a lot to me to have so many old and new friends gathered in one place, schmoozing over Chinese food.

Okay. That’s enough yammering for this morning. Thanks again for all your help. I owe you folks big-time.

Best Regards,


Jim Hill

Jim Hill is an entertainment writer who has specialized in covering The Walt Disney Company for nearly 40 years now. Over that time, he has interviewed hundreds of animators, actors, and Imagineers -- many of whom have shared behind-the-scenes stories with Mr. Hill about how the Mouse House really works. In addition to the 4000+ articles Jim has written for the Web, he also co-hosts a trio of popular podcasts: “Disney Dish with Len Testa,” “Fine Tooning with Drew Taylor” and “Marvel US Disney with Aaron Adams.” Mr. Hill makes his home in Southern New Hampshire with his lovely wife Nancy and two obnoxious cats, Ginger & Betty.

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