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Know what the Disney Company needs right now? A “Crazy Man” !!!

Hey, gang!

Jim Hill here. And — what with stories like the one you’re about to read — we’re really hitting the ground running this year at

I mean, only a Floyd Norman — who’s lived more animation history than the rest of us could ever dream of — would have the vision and the clarity to see what’s really going on with the Walt Disney Company today. To be precise, could put his finger on what exactly the Mouse Factory needs to do right now in order to turn this awful situation around.

That’s why I’m thrilled to be able to present this column to you this morning. So that I can share the wisdom of a guy who’s known more than his share of “crazy men.”


After a busy 2003, I’m looking forward to packing my bags and heading north to one of my favorite places. You guessed it. The city by the bay. The place where I’ve worked, played, and left my heart. Of course I mean, San Francisco. This town is a nice place to work, but it’s also a great place to just hang out. Sure, the weather may be rainy and cool, but I love it. The city has great restaurants, shopping, museums, and of course, MacWorld Expo.

What’s MacWorld Expo, you ask? Well, I’ve been attending this Apple geekfest since it started back in the eighties. This was back when the Macintosh computer was still considered by many to be an overpriced toy. But, early Mac-Heads like myself were not so much impressed by what the computer was — rather, we saw what the Mac was going to be. This little machine was the brain child of Jef Raskin, a computer genius who named it after his favorite apple. But, the Mac became more than just another underpowered computer. Led by Apple cofounder, Steve Jobs, the Apple Macintosh became a religion.

Steve Jobs knew that the Mac was going to change the world. The charismatic leader of Apple Computer has a habit of thinking big. But, the Mac went through a terrible cycle of plunging sales, disappearing software, vanishing vendors, and eroding morale that not only threatened the computer’s future, but the company’s as well. Does any of this sound familiar?

During the early eighties, Steve Jobs was booted out of the company he founded. Apple Computer thrived for a time, but the lack of leadership took its toll. In time, CEO, John Sculley was shown the door, and Sculley was followed by Michael Spindler, and finally, Gil Amelio. The media had already begun to write Apple’s obituary, when a white knight suddenly appeared. A hero from across the bay, who would right the wrongs and save the day. It seems Steve Jobs hadn’t been idle during his exile, and had moved on to found another company called, Next, Inc. That company would develop the operating system that would save Apple’s bacon. But, Jobs purchased another company as well. I remember Silicon Valley wonks laughing their heads off because Steve Jobs had squandered ten million dollars on a worthless start up called Pixar.

Well, I guess we all know Apple Computer didn’t die as predicted, and Pixar Animation Studios proved they could beat Disney at their own game. On January 6th at Mosconi Center in San Francisco, Steve Jobs will again speak to the Mac faithful in his annual keynote address, and he’ll be greeted with the usual enthusiasm. About a month later, CEO, Michael Eisner will address the Disney shareholders at their annual meeting, but I doubt he’ll do as well. The funny thing is, when you think about it, these two men have a lot in common. Both are CEO’s of major companies. Both are well known as micro managers, and finally, no one can say these men are lacking in self confidence. Sounds like a pretty even match, don’t you think? Think again.

Let’s go back to that terrible period when Apple Computer appeared to be in free fall. Technology pundits said, “what Apple Computer needed was a businessman.” The computer geeks like myself were in total disagreement. We knew what Apple needed. It’s the same thing the Disney Company needed years ago, and luckily, had. It’s the same thing the Walt Disney Company needs today — but doesn’t have. Apple Computer didn’t need a businessman. It needed a “crazy man.” And what is that, you say? A crazy man is a man who breaks all the rules. He’s a man who doesn’t follow trends or look to Wall Street for answers. He’s a man crazy enough to believe in his own vision for the company he leads. He knows that doing it better than anybody else makes a difference. He knows if you please your customers first, then in time, you’ll please Wall Street.

During the time I worked at Pixar Animation Studios, screenings were often held in Burbank for the Disney executives. Steve Jobs usually took the time to attend the screenings. Two films I worked on during that time were “Toy Story 2” and “Monsters, Inc.” They’ll always be favorites of mine, and I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to work on them. Yet, there was one thing I noticed during Steve’s visits to Disney. He always had questions about the man who had co-founded the company. He always wanted to know more about Walt Disney. It was then I realized that Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak were cofounders of their own company, much like Walt and Roy decades earlier. What was the passion that drove these founders of great companies? Was it a desire to make huge sums of money, or was it a desire — crazy as it may seem, to change the world?

When you consider the thousands attending MacWorld Expo, it was amazing that one day I happen to step on the escalator right next to Steve Jobs. I was immediately struck by the way he deals with his fans and admirers. While Michael Eisner skulks about in public buffered by a legion of subordinates, Steve Jobs moves among the crowd completely at ease. I once saw him kneel down to shake the hand of a young child who had tried to get his attention. I couldn’t help being reminded of another mustachioed gentleman I knew who was known for being gracious in public.

Today, Apple Computer continues to innovate, and I’m sure Steve Jobs will have some nifty announcements up his sleeve at this years expo. His other company across the bay will continue to ‘knock our socks off’ with their innovative motion pictures, because artists, not businessmen are allowed to flourish in a studio where creativity trumps management interference. Their upcoming animated release this fall, called “The Incredibles,” will continue to set the standard once set by that other organization that sold off their cartoon department.

So, it appears some want to change the world, and others just want to do business. We should be glad Steve Jobs admires the “crazy man” with the mustache. The one with outlandish ideas, such as sound cartoons, feature length animated films, and theme parks. Walt Disney was told his ideas would never work, but he went ahead anyway. I’m glad Steve Jobs is back at the helm of Apple Computer, and I like the way he runs Pixar Animation Studios as well.

It almost makes me wonder how he would manage another media company that appears to be lacking in vision and creativity.

To learn more about the many other interesting things that Floyd has observed in his colorful career, Jim suggests that you pick up a copy of Norman’s original collection of cartoons and stories — “Faster! Cheaper! The Flip Side of the Art of Animation” — for sale over at John Cawley’s excellent web site. Or pick up Floyd’s newest book — “Son of Faster, Cheaper” — by clicking the image to the right to head on over to, where this latest collection of cartoons is available for purchase.

Still not satisfied? Then why not meet the man himself by attending “An Evening with Floyd Norman,” the special event that ASIFA-Hollywood will be presenting at the Glendale Public Library on Tuesday, April 13th. For further information on this sure-to-be-fun evening, head over to the ASIFA-Hollywood web site.

Floyd Norman

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