In the first installment of this new JHM series about Warner Bros. upcoming animated release, Roger Colton talks with executive producer Keith Alcorn about what DNA...
In a surprise move, the president of the Disneyland Resort is leaving the Mouse House to become president of the Hotel Group for Starwood Hotels &...
As Hollywood still struggles to get a handle on what just happened at Disney Studios, Jim Hill suggests that it's time to start paying attention to...
Jim Hill's back with an old favorite from the archives. Which details how Magic Mountain's Freefall ride eventually led to the creation of one of the...
Some favorite stories are back with a twist. Roger Colton has the scoop on a new series of audio books from the iTunes Music Store.
It's a two-fer Tuesday here at JHM. Where Jim Hill reviews M. Night Shyamalan's newest film as well as taking a look at a new book...
Jim Hill runs the numbers on Walt Disney Studios' two latest releases. And while Gore Verbinski's new film is literally putting hundreds of millions of dollars...
Roger Colton introduces JHM readers to the Lady Washington & the Providence, two actual "tall ships" that made appearances in "The Curse of the Black Pearl"...
Chris Barry finally gets a chance to pop this disc into his DVD player and discovers that he really enjoys this multi-media review of the last...
Animation industry legend Floyd Norman shares some snapshots as well as a few fond memories, as he looks back at the start of his career at...