From creative genius Tim Burton (“Alice in Wonderland,” The Nightmare Before Christmas”) comes “Frankenweenie,” a heartwarming tale about a boy and his dog. After unexpectedly losing...
BUENA PARK, Calif. – Knott's Berry Farm will be combining thrilling attractions with sizzling hot entertainment at this year's Latin Music Festival on Saturday, June...
CELEBRATION, Fla. (May 30, 2012) – A new cast of characters will stroll the decks and visit with guests aboard the Disney Wonder as Mr. Incredible,...
Letters will welcome guests to home of California State Fair Anaheim, Calif., May 30, 2012 – The Disneyland Resort donated the iconic "CALIFORNIA" letters...
The “top dog” in the Wonderful World of Disney is celebrating his 80th birthday. One of Walt Disney’s classic “Fab Five” animated characters, Goofy first stumbled...
2012 is a big year for all us Kingdom Hearts fans, given that it was 10 years ago this year that this hugely popular Disney-inspired game...
Universal Studios Hollywood transformed its Lower Lot yesterday, rolling out yards & yards of red carpet right next to the Starway escalator, so that celebrities like...
What with the enormous success "Marvel's The Avengers" has had so far (This Joss Whedon film is now officially the highest-grossing film in Walt Disney Company...
It's kind of a summer tradition here in the States that — before you head out for the beach — you stuff something trashy to read...
Four years ago today (On May 21st, 2008, to be exact) Virtual Magic Kingdom was shut down. One of Disney’s more popular tries at an MMORPG...