When it comes to casting the role of Dorothy for "The Muppets' Wizard of Oz," it would appear that the fourth time's the charm. Jim Hill...
Jim Hill takes a look at these two new DVDs from Buena Vista Home Entertainment. Walt Disney Productions' releases from the late 1970s that -- in...
Jim Hill fills us in on Hollywood's new math. Where the amount of shelf space & in-store promotion that Walmart is willing to dole out to...
Want some fun factoids to start out your week with? Then how about taking a stab at what Steve Jobs' Pixar salary might be? Or guessing...
Another week gone, and Roger's back with the usual suspects (maybe even Cranky Pants?) in a new edition of Ruminations.
Love to look at Disneyland concept art? Well, then Jim Hill suggests that you tour of the lobbies of the Disneyland Hotel towers. Where you'll literally...
Cindy Russell is back with a sneak peek at the unexpected 4 th quarter releases from the Walt Disney Classics Collection. Some great pieces you won't...
Ever wonder about Pleasure Island, that Massachusetts theme park that was built -- 'way back in the late 1950s -- by ex-Disneyland employees? Well, if you...
Roger Colton offers a fond remembrance of a true television original
Can't quite decide whether you should buy a copy of this new Buena Vista Home Entertainment release? Then let Jim Hill tell you how the "Three...