Disney's "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day"follows the exploits of 11-year-old Alexander (Ed Oxenbould) as he experiences the most terrible and...
There has long been this legend about the importance the 1964 New York World's Fair played in the history of the Walt Disney Company. How the...
“Maleficent” explores the untold story of Disney’s most iconic villain from the classic “Sleeping Beauty” and the elements of her betrayal that ultimately turn her pure heart to...
Rarely Seen Film Clips, Photos, and Art Highlight the Roadshow Event, Which Will Tour the U.S. this Fall. BURBANK, Calif. – May 7, 2014 – For...
It's become one of the real high points of the animation industry's annual calendar: The world premiere of Walt Disney Animation Studios' latest short at the...
— Jay Leno and Whoopi Goldberg Join Voice Cast in Recurring Roles — — Disney Publishing Worldwide to Release “The 7D Mine Train” App — ...
Idina Menzel will be doing a Facebook Q&A TODAY, 4/25 at 6pm EST / 3pm PST. She will be answering fan questions...
In response to yesterday's " "Transcendence" & "Rise of the Guardians" illustrate the fine art of how NOT to promote a motion picture" story, FuseMP posted...
When something is transcendent, it's supposed to " … be far better or greater than what is usual." Well, that's clearly not what happened with "Transcendence"...
Loews Hotels hosting grand hire event April 25 – 26 to fill more than 400 positions WHAT: Loews Hotels is seeking motivated and enthusiastic hotel and hospitality...