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We have a saying about late trains. They become only one thing. Later.

The same can easily be applied to airplanes crossing the nation. That’s why it’s almost one in the morning on a Friday, and I’m here at the keyboard. (Don’t fret. The Baltimore tale will appear next week, complete with art.)

I don’t know why, but it seems like every airport I’ve been to lately manages to be under construction. SFO, Honolulu, Oakland, San Jose, BWI… all in various stages of disarray. Perhaps those with fertile imaginations can sense a conspiracy in the making? Hey, it works for me!

A preview of coming attractions: Railroading in the backyard?
Photo by Dasha Clancey

But the good news is that it seems like more folks are traveling again. For example, last Sunday, even with the time change, there were an awful lot of folks up and about at oh-dark thirty waiting to get on the plane for destinations unknown. Maybe they know something we don’t? And in the cruise ship business, new boats seem to be coming into service all the time. Anyone catch the “Love Boat” wedding thing for the new Princess Cruises ship? Could it be that people have had enough of hiding under their favorite rocks and are ready to see daylight again? Lots of travel industry folks are betting the farm that this is the case.

News from Orlando has Tigger allegedly being a bit too much fun. What started as a thirteen year-old girl and her mom has grown into another 24 potential complaints.

Another news item tells of changes afoot at ABC television. Frankly, any change if for the better here. So far, it seems like shovels all around are needed for the crop of stinkers the network calls a programming line-up. Speaking as a viewer, I don’t watch a single show on ABC with any regularity. Hello? Burbank? I don’t think I’m alone here with the remote control.

Speaking of the farm, there’s life yet in 2D-animation on the Disney lot. Would you believe, “Fox and the Hound II” is under production (for direct to video) in the Frank Wells Building? I wish I didn’t, but I know of someone who was being recruited to join the fun. In that person’s defense, let me plead the fifth on grounds that they might hit me if I tell you more. What’s next? Why stop with recycling animation? I’m all ready for revivals from the classic Seventies Disney comedy era. How about “The Boatniks II”, “Snowball Express II” or “Condorman II”? More Dean Jones anyone?

Now it’s time for the outright begging —

We need a few bucks for the Message Boards.

Drop a buck or two, won’t you? Keep those pesky ads down to nothing.

If you’re in the Bay Area and trade Disney Pins, our friends at Where The Magic Begins are hosting a free pin trading event on Sunday, April 25 from 11 am to 4 pm. Looks like I’ll be there along with others in search of new pins for the collection.

Forty-five minutes later, I’m done. There’s a pillow in my future. I can see it now…

Back next week with the tale of a great time in an interesting city! Go Orioles?

Roger Colton

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