Animation legend Floyd Norman returns with another great article for This time around, Floyd writes about the two industry leaders who are currently vying for...
With just days 'til Mouse House managers officially announce whether or not they'll be shutting down Disney-MGM's animation facility, Jim Hill shines a spotlight on this...
As gets into gear for the new year, Jim offers up an assortment of stories for your reading pleasure. This Monday morning, Hill talks about...
Wade Sampson comes forward with an interesting tale about the time when Old Mousetro headed out to Massachusetts to pick up an honorary degree.
If you saw last Thursday's "Walt Disney World Christmas Day Parade" special on ABC, you no doubt heard (over and over and over again ...) about...
Floyd Norman returns from a recent visit to the Burbank lot with some unique thoughts about what's been happening lately with the Walt Disney Company.
JHM co-founder Jon Nadelberg offers up a rather unique column. In which he takes a peek at both sides of the fence in the Roy Disney...
How bad was the "Star Wars Holiday Special," really? So bad that it takes two people to write about it. New JHM guest columnist Rick Gutierrez...
Wade Sampson returns with a real holiday treat: a series of Christmas-related tales that feature the old Mousetro himself, Walt Disney as well as Walt Disney...
As we enter Week 3 of Roy Disney and Stanley Gold's campaign to oust Michael Eisner, Jim Hill wonders: Doesn't Disney's CEO realize that he's quickly...