Andrea "Mickeyfantasmic" Monti returns with a potpourri piece about the Disneyland Paris and Tokyo Disney Resorts, highlighting some of the lesser known aspects of these resorts...
Jim Hill tries to clear out the clogs in his e-mail queue by answering LOTS of your Disney related questions all at once. So you'd best...
Jean de Lutèce returns with an article that provides even more backstory on the Frontierland section of the Disneyland Paris theme park. So find yourself a...
Jim Hill goes gaga over Jason Surrell's great new book, which goes into great detail about the history of this much beloved Disney theme park attraction.
We interrupt today's geekiness to allow Jim Hill and Michelle Smith a few paragraphs to say goodbye to outgoing Disneyland Resort president Cynthia Harris.
Seeing as we're sharing all sorts of geeky stories here at today, Jim finally admits his deep dark secret: For years now, he's been doggedly...
In the first of what (we hope) will be many stories for JHM, new columnist Matthew Springer talks about the film -- more specifically, the moment...
Feeling geeky yet? Are you up for a rousing game of "Who's That Guy or Girl?" Then join JHM columnist AliKzam as she goes disc by...
As a (hopefully) interesting change of pace, Jim Hill points out some interesting Disney-related things that are going on around the web, including a web site...
Roger's headed for the beach at Waikiki... Fruity rum drink and all! Well, almost. Actually en route... The topic drift continues, so plant yourself and listen...