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Today’s the last day to take part in JHM’s special “Mouse Tales” promotion

In the words of the late, great Douglas Adams: Don’t panic.

Now I know — judging by all the agitated e-mails that have popped up in my in-box today — that some JHM readers are getting concerned. They see that a day or so has gone by since the last installment of my new “Star Tours” series was posted on the site, and they’re already thinking: “Oh, no! Jim’s going to do it to us again. He’s going to start another multi-part Disney theme park history piece, then leave us all hanging by not actually getting around to writing the last few installments of the series.”

Well, not this time, Bucko.

My original goal was to have my ” ‘Star Tours’ Saga” completed by tomorrow. With a total of six installments (Just like the six “Star Wars” movies). But — over the past few days — I’ve uncovered so much great new research material about this ride that I had to rethink things a bit. Because (obviously) you can’t tell the whole “Star Tours” story without at least touching on the subjects of “The Black Hole,” “Captain EO” and “Videopolis.”

So now I’m thinking more along the lines of George Lucas’ original plan for his “Star Wars” film series. That the finished version of my ” ‘Star Tours’ Saga” series will now have a total of nine installments. But — more importantly — that I’ll have the whole thing written & posted by the end of next week.

Yes. You heard that right, folks. A really-for-real completed JHM series by the end of next week. Will wonders never cease?

Please be aware, though, that I may pull a George on the original four stories in this series. In that I may got back and make some “digital enhancements” to the original installments of my ” ‘Star Tours’ Saga.” For some of this new material that I’ve just uncovered is just too good not to include as part of this series.

Anyway … For now, I want to thank JHM’s readers for their continued patience. Look for Installment No. 5 to pop up on the site tomorrow morning. Which is why I’d better get back to writing it now.

But — before I do that — I also want to remind you all that today is the very last day that JHM and the Extinct Attractions Club will be working together to help promote David Koenig’s special golden anniversary edition of “Mouse Tales: A look Behind the Ears at Disneyland.”

Though — before I begin my sales pitch — I guess I should mention that Mr. Koenig is absolutely thrilled with the response that this promotional campaign has recieved to date. And that he wishes to thank each and every one of you who’s ordered a copy of his book over the past four days.

Anyway … Let remind you that the golden edition of “Mouse Tales” is an updated & enhanced version of David’s earlier unauthorized history of “The Happiest Place on Earth.” And that this new version of this Bonaventure Press publication features:

? Dozens of crazy new anecdotes.
? An entirely new chapter?”When the Magic Began”?reliving the first few months of Walt’s Magic Kingdom, as told by the park’s pioneers.
? A large fold-out aerial photograph of Disneyland during its opening week in 1955.
? “A Walk in the Park: A Guided Tour of Disneyland in 1955,” a 60-minute audio CD that Koenig put together which recreates a trip through the theme park that you would have found in Anaheim a half century ago.

More importantly, those who order their copies of the golden edition of “Mouse Tales” though by midnight tonight will be eligible to recieve a brand-new article that David has written about Disneyland’s anniversary, “30 Golden Goofs for the 50th.” So don’t miss out of your chance to get your hands on this fun new Koenig column.

Speaking of columns … I better get back to working on tomorrow’s “Star Tours” story. Talk to you later, okay?


Jim Hill

Jim Hill is an entertainment writer who has specialized in covering The Walt Disney Company for nearly 40 years now. Over that time, he has interviewed hundreds of animators, actors, and Imagineers -- many of whom have shared behind-the-scenes stories with Mr. Hill about how the Mouse House really works. In addition to the 4000+ articles Jim has written for the Web, he also co-hosts a trio of popular podcasts: “Disney Dish with Len Testa,” “Fine Tooning with Drew Taylor” and “Marvel US Disney with Aaron Adams.” Mr. Hill makes his home in Southern New Hampshire with his lovely wife Nancy and two obnoxious cats, Ginger & Betty.

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