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Trader Sam’s adds Tiki-themed fun to the Disneyland Hotel

Though there's been no formal announcement yet, jungle drums
quickly spread the news last night that Trader Sam's (i.e. the bar component of
the Disneyland Hotel's new Tangaroa Terrace complex) was finally open for

Photo by Shelly Valladolid

Tiki fans stood in hour-long lines outside of this recently
completed facility, hoping that Trader Sam's would actually deliver on the
promise of that concept art which the Imagineers released earlier this year.

Copyright Disney Enterprises,
Inc. All rights reserved

Well, I am pleased to report that Trader Sam's does in fact
deliver in spades.

Photo by Shelly Valladolid

Though this new poolside bar supposedly draws its
inspiration from the Jungle Cruise (and – if you'll look closely — …

Photo by Shelly Valladolid

… you'll notice that pieces of concept art which Disney Legend Marc Davis created for that
Adventureland attraction are prominently displayed throughout this facility) …

Copyright Disney Enterprises,
Inc. All rights reserved

… the various artifacts on display …

Photo by Shelly Valladolid

… along with their silly signage …

Photo by Shelly Valladolid

… reminded me more of another Disney bar: the late, great Adventurers
at WDW's Pleasure Island.

Which is why I strongly recommend – once you have the
bartender make you a Krakatoa Punch, a HippotoMai Tai or a Schweitzer Falls –
that you then make a point of exploring the interior of this highly themed environment.
Where you'll then be sure to find all sort of comic curios …

Photo by Shelly Valladolid

… and/or notice that the Tiki-inspired theming goes deep at Trader
Sam's. All the way down to the light fixtures.

Photo by Shelly Valladolid

Just be sure not to lose your head and then drink too much
during your visit to Trader Sam's. Because – you know – the proprietor has been
known to take advantage of these sorts of situations.

"Two of his for one of yours." Copyright
Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved

Seriously, though … I had a delightful time at Trader's Sam
last night. Which is why I strongly suggest that you check out this new
Tiki-themed bar the very next time you visit the Disneyland Hotel.

Photo by Shelly Valladolid

Your thoughts?

Shelly Valladolid

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