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What to know what’s “Up” at Pixar? Then buy a ticket to next month’s Cartoon Art Museum benefit

So what are the odds that – all on your own – you’ll ever
get to see the inside of Pixar Animation Studios?

To be honest, they’re not good. At an “Up” preview screening
that was held in Hartford, CT. back in May of this year, Donald Evans (i.e. the
Senior Vice President of Animation Marketing for Walt Disney and Pixar
Animation Studios) remarked that – for the 15 intern positions that open up
annually at this Emeryville, CA.-based operation – Pixar receives several
thousand applications.

Mind you, over the next 20 years, this animation studio does
plan on increasing its head count from 900 to 2000 employees. So I guess if you’re
really patient (and also happen to be the best of the best of the best when it
comes to CG) … Well, that’s one way that you might make past the guard shack at
1200 Park Avenue.

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What’s that you say? You don’t want to wait / work hard in
order to gain access to Pixar? You just want to be able to waltz through the
front door, no questions asked?

Well, there is a way. But you’re going to have to cough up
some cash if you want to get past that guy in the guard shack.

No, you’re not going to bribe the security guard. You’re
going to buy a ticket to Pixar’s 6th annual Cartoon Art Museum

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For those of who don’t know, the Cartoon Art Museum (which
is located at 655 Mission Street in San
)  is the only museum in the
western United States that is dedicated to all forms of cartoons and comics.

And since the guys at Pixar are such big fans & supporters
of the Cartoon Art Museum, every year they hold a fundraiser for this facility.
During which – for just a few brief hours – they allow members of the public to
enter their Emeryville campus and then explore certain areas at their animation

This year, this benefit is being held on Saturday, November
14th. And depending on how much you’re willing to spend, there are
two different ways you can experience this annual fundraiser.

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The Family Fun Track is … Well, just what it sounds like. It’s
designed to give families an understanding of how films get made at Pixar. From
1 – 4 p.m., parents & their kids will be able to tour the studio’s second
floor gallery space. Which is currently loaded with lots of pre-production art
for “Up.”

Folks on the Family Fun Track will also get to see a display
of rarely-seen “Toy Story” –related artwork & sculpture that Pixar’s archives
just unearthed. And artists from the studio will be on hand to help teach children
how to draw their favorite Pixar characters.

As for Mom & Dad … Well, if they’d like, they can
participate in a silent auction. Where everyone attending this Cartoon Art
Museum benefit can then have the chance to bid on original works that were
created by Pixar’s artists & animators.

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And speaking of animation … A selection of the Studio’s
short films (including “One Man Band,” “Lifted,” “Presto” and “Burn-E”) will be
shown continuously in Pixar’s state-of-the-art screening room.

If you’re interested in the Family Fun Track at this year’s
Cartoon Art Museum benefit , tickets are $35 for an individual or $100 for a
Family Four Pack. Which covers entry for 2 adults and 2 kids under 18 and/or 1
adult and 3 kids.

The only problem with the Family Fun Track is … Well, folks
with tickets to that tier of this fundraising event aren’t allowed to enter
Pixar Animation Studios ‘til 1 p.m. If – on the other hand – you’d like a
little more time to explore the Emeryville campus and maybe have a bit more upscale
experience … Then you may want to spring for the VIP Screening Tier.

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“And what is the VIP Screening Tier?,” you ask. Well, you
get everything that people who’ve paid for the Family Fun Track get. But then …
You also get access to Pixar’s Studio Store. Where you can then purchase all
sorts of exclusive items at employee prices.

And did I mention that you’re also allowed into Pixar’s digital
theater? Where you’ll then get to see a special 3D screening of “Toy Story 2”
and the rarely seen Cars Toon, “Tokyo Mater.” Better yet, this screening will
be hosted by Dr. Michael B. Johnson (who works at Pixar Animation Studios as
well as being a member of the Cartoon Art Museum’s board of directors). Who
will then be happy to answer any of your questions about these two films.

And let’s not forget about those free lunchtime snacks. Or
the fact that those who on the VIP Screening Track get to enter Pixar
Animations Studios a full two hours ahead (i.e. 11 a.m.) of folks who bought
tickets for the Family Fun Tier.

Copyright Cartoon Art Museum. All Rights Reserved

Of course, this sort of additional access does come with a far
heftier price tag. A single ticket for the VIP Screening Tier will run you $149
(Though it’s worth noting here that Cartoon Art Museum members can purchase their
tickets for this track at the reduced rate of $99). And if you’d like to treat
9 of your friends to an afternoon of behind-the-scenes fun at Pixar Animation
Studios, reserved rows of 10 can be purchased for $1,500.

A word of warning, though. Tickets for Pixar’s annual
Cartoon Art Museum benefit will NOT be sold at the door. They can ONLY be
purchased in advance. And given that this annual fundraiser tends to be very
popular and there are only a limited number of tickets … If you really have
your heart set on visiting the Emeryville campus this year, NOW would be a very good
time to go and purchase those tickets.

For further information on this benefit and/or the Cartoon
Art Museum itself, please call 415-227-8666, ext. 300 or click on this link.

Your thoughts?

Jim Hill

Jim Hill is an entertainment writer who has specialized in covering The Walt Disney Company for nearly 40 years now. Over that time, he has interviewed hundreds of animators, actors, and Imagineers -- many of whom have shared behind-the-scenes stories with Mr. Hill about how the Mouse House really works. In addition to the 4000+ articles Jim has written for the Web, he also co-hosts a trio of popular podcasts: “Disney Dish with Len Testa,” “Fine Tooning with Drew Taylor” and “Marvel US Disney with Aaron Adams.” Mr. Hill makes his home in Southern New Hampshire with his lovely wife Nancy and two obnoxious cats, Ginger & Betty.

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