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Where to find the in-jokes in “Gnomeo & Juliet”

It’s one of the clichés of Oscar time. That someone stands onstage clutching one of those gold statues and then says “I’d like to thank all the little people … “

Well, this month, the folks at Walt Disney Studios ARE especially thankful for the little people. To be specific, the plastic, ceramic & concrete cast of “Gnomeo & Juliet.”

Copyright Miramax Film, NY, LLC. All rights reserved

Why For? Well, Disney had hopes that this Kelly Asbury film would do well over the Valentines Day weekend. But to have “Gnomeo” still going strong three weekends into its domestic release (To date, this CG romantic comedy has sold an estimated $75.1 million worth of tickets) … That’s got the suits back in Burbank over the moon about this Touchstone Pictures release.

As one Disney Studios official told me earlier this week:

“I just wish that we’d known that ‘Gnomeo & Juliet’ was going to do this well. Maybe then Parks & Resorts could have found a way to showcase this film & these characters at Epcot‘s Flower & Garden Festival. Ah, well. There’s always next year, I guess.”

Disney horticulturists put the finishing touches on topiary versions of Buzz & Woody. Which will make their theme park debut next week with the opening of the 18th annual Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival.

Photo by Gene Duncan. Copyright Disney Enterprises, inc. All rights reserved

So why is it that “Gnomeo & Juliet” is doing so well? To be honest, a lot of this film’s success has to do with its strong word of mouth. People telling their friends how much they enjoyed all of the clever little touches that the artists & storymen who worked on this Starz Animation production slipped into this movie.

“What sort of clever little touches?,” you ask. Well, given that “Gnomeo & Juliet” draws its inspiration for “Romeo & Juliet,” is it really a surprise to learn that Kelly & Co. dropped in a few William Shakespeare-related in-jokes. To be specific:

Copyright Miramax Film, NY, LLC. All rights reserved

And speaking of Featherstone … The name of “Gnomeo & Juliet” ‘s lovestruck flamingo is kind of an in-joke as well. Given that this character gets his name from Don Featherstone, the original sculptor of this classic lawn ornament (Which was originally made popular back in the 1960s. FYI: You’ll know that you have an authentic plastic flamingo – which were manufactured by Union Products in Leominister, MA. – if you look under its tail. Which is where you’ll find a replica of Don’s signature)

Copyright Miramax Film, NY, LLC. All rights reserved

And speaking of attention to detail … The crew that worked on “Gnomeo & Juliet” wanted to make sure that their version of Stratford-Upon-Avon (which is the UK market town that this movie is set in) just right. Which is why the filmmakers made several research trips to south Warwickshire.

Of course, what helped here was that Steve Hamilton-Shaw (i.e. “Gnomeo” ‘s producer) actually hails from Stratford. Which is why he then became this film’s defacto expert to getting the details just right.

Steve was the guy that they turned to when the filmmakers wanted to make sure that the neighborhood looked authentic when that dog raced through Stratford’s streets with Gnomeo in his mouth.  Or – for that matter — making sure that the statue of William Shakespeare which Sir Patrick Stewart voices in “Gnomeo & Juliet” looked just like the one in the park in Stratford-Upon-Avon.

Copyright Miramax Film, NY, LLC. All rights reserved

Mind you, some of the in-jokes in “Gnomeo” are nods towards The Walt Disney Company. Take – for example – that t-shirt on the clothesline that Nanette raids when she’s looking for a disguise for Juliet. If you look closely, you’ll notice that this t-shirt features a Kermit the Frog graphic.

And then there are those in-jokes that only the people who actually worked on “Gnomeo & Juliet” will get. Like how Kelly Asbury voices the Goons. Or how Associate editor Maurissa Horwitz voiced the “Call Me” girl that Benny encounters in Miss Montague’s house. Or how Assistant production manager for Editorial Julio Bonet provides the vocals for this movie’s now-infamous Mankini Gnome.

And then there are the gags that only Kelly Asbury’s friends & family will appreciate. Like how that cement lawn hippo in Mr. Capulet’s backyard garden is modeled after the one that the “Gnomeo & Juliet” director has in his own backyard.

Copyright Miramax Film, NY, LLC. All rights reserved

It’s the great little touches like this – plus the solid story – that has made “Gnomeo & Juliet” the (to quote the new ad campaign that the Studio’s marketing department just rolled out) “Gnumber One Family Film in the Gnation.”

Which isn’t to say there isn’t a downside to “Gnomeo” proving to be a far stronger performer than anyone at Disney ever expected. Given that the Studio is also getting ready to launch “Mars Needs Moms” (which is due to roll into theaters on March 11th) … Well, Disney now finds itself with something of a marketing challenge. Since it has to do ad buys that help support this Kelly Asbury movie as it begins its third weekend in domestic release while – at the same time – raise audience awareness of Simon Wells‘ soon-to-open film.

Speaking of “Mars Needs Moms” … Disney Studios just released some cool behind-the-scenes pictures from the production of this ImageMovers Digital LLC movie. And when I looked at the photo below … Well, I couldn’t help but think that – no matter how much things change in Hollywood – they also remain the same.

Joan Cusack and Seth Green – Mom and Milo at home on Earth.  Photo by Joseph Lederer. Copyright ImageMovers Digital LLC. All rights reserved

To explain: If you can look past all of that hi-tech performance capture garb that Joan Cusack & Seth Green are wearing (or – for that matter – that cat puppet which the on-set technician is manipulating in the foreground), check out how they’re making Joan (who plays Milo’s mom in this movie) seem taller than Seth in this scene. By having her stand on a box.

Which is just what Warner Bros. did back in 1942 when  Humphrey Bogart needed to be taller than Ingrid Bergman in “Casablanca.” They had this 5′ 8″ movie tough guy stand on a box so that he’d then tower over his 5′ 9″ co-star so that their love scenes in this Michael Curtiz movie would seem that much more effective. So to see a cutting-edge production like “Mars Needs Moms” have to fall back on an old-school Hollywood trope like an apple box … Well, that just kind of makes me smile.

Mind you, “Mars Needs Moms” isn’t the only movie that Disney is trying to get the word out about these days. Just today, the Studio sent me the one sheet for “Winnie the Pooh” …

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… which – you’ll have to admit – is a pretty interesting way to promote this Walt Disney Animation Studios production.

But what do you folks think? Do any of these “To Go or Gnot to Go” ads that have been airing on television for “Gnomeo & Juliet” (which seem to be paired with “Mars Needs Moms” commercials) make it any more likely that you’ll go out to see this Kelly Asbury film during its initial domestic run?

Or – for that matter – do you think that a stylized poster like the one which I’ve posted above (which doesn’t even feature the logo for “Winnie the Pooh”) is a really effective way to market this upcoming Walt Disney Animation Studios release? And – if not – how would you go about promoting “Pooh” ?

Your thoughts?

Jim Hill

Jim Hill is an entertainment writer who has specialized in covering The Walt Disney Company for nearly 40 years now. Over that time, he has interviewed hundreds of animators, actors, and Imagineers -- many of whom have shared behind-the-scenes stories with Mr. Hill about how the Mouse House really works. In addition to the 4000+ articles Jim has written for the Web, he also co-hosts a trio of popular podcasts: “Disney Dish with Len Testa,” “Fine Tooning with Drew Taylor” and “Marvel US Disney with Aaron Adams.” Mr. Hill makes his home in Southern New Hampshire with his lovely wife Nancy and two obnoxious cats, Ginger & Betty.

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