Jim Hill chats with Bruce W. Smith, the supervising animator for Dr. Facilier from “The Princess and the Frog,” about all the research that he did...
Nancy Stadler looks back over the history of this long-running soap as well as talking up the production’s recent move to the West Coast
Jim Hill talks about what’s really behind the Mouse’s decision to acquire 10% of POW! Entertainment last week. How Mickey’s hoping that Stan’s involvement will make...
Jim Hill shares some of the photographs that Jeff Lange took at this Pleasure Island venue back in September. At the very last private party that...
Jim Hill reviews the latest volume in the Disney Archives storybook series. Which is illustrated with paintings that this Disney Legend created for the Studio’s 1953...
As the last few films that Dick Cook put into production march towards release, Hollywood tries to get a handle on what Rich Ross’ version of...
WARNING !! There be spoilers ahead as Jim Hill reveals what co-directors / writers Kevin Deters & Stevie Wermers-Skelton hid under the tree in this new...
Jim Hill talks with Cynthia Harriss, former President of the Disneyland Resort, about the important lesson she learned from greenlighting this seasonal favorite at the Merriest...
Jim Hill chats with Disney animation vet Mike Gabriel. Who looks back fondly on the big family Christmases that he used to spend with his six...
Jim Hill reviews Jeff Kurtti’s latest making-of book. Which does an excellent job of explaining how Ron Clements & John Musker’s latest animation feature went from...