It’s been over a decade now since Marvel Studios produced “Iron Man,” the very first movie in its Cinematic Universe series. Since that Paramount Pictures first...
When I was a kid, I remember using tape, glue and markers to turn cardboard boxes into race cars, rocket ships and castles. Those boxes and...
Kingdom Hearts is the longest-running video game series featuring the Disney mascots. The latest title, Kingdom Hearts III is about to debut and audiences cannot wait for...
In a previous blog post, we looked at Marvel Contest of Champions. The mobile fighting game featuring the majority of the Marvel Universe. There also happens...
Marvel has had tremendous success in the movie industry but moderate success in the video game arena. With the exception of a few titles, the Marvel...
Game publishers are constantly looking for the next big thing but sometimes it’s the little games that turn out to be the blockbusters. Take the game...
Superheroes aren’t the feel-good characters they used to be. Copyright Warner Bros. All rights reserved In recent years, many of the superhero films have taken a...
The Ghostbusters has been a prime piece of pop culture real estate for over 30 years. In the video game landscape there have been a few...
Mickey and the House of Mouse better watch out. Mario is moving into the castle ! Nintendo and Universal plan to have the first Nintendo park...
As the E3 wraps up we find ourselves exhausted yet also enthusiastic about the next year of gaming. There were many great titles announced for all...