The most recent DC Universe Animated Original movie, "Superman Unbound" , is not the best release by Warner Bros. Animation. The production quality is up to...
Disney Interactive keeps trying to play catch up with the gaming industry but often misses out with gamers. The upcoming title Disney Infinity is another attempt...
Epic Mickey 2 the Power of Two (EM2) is out now on multiple consoles including the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Wii and Wii U. The game...
With “Marvel’s The Avengers” having sold a billion dollars worth of tickets worldwide after just 19 days in theaters, the ripple effect that this Joss Whedon...
Japan is filled with with millions of Disney enthusiasts and they have been a buzz these past few months. Both the Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea...
Visitors to the Disney websites have probably noticed that the “Games” button is listed prominently next to “Stars and Characters.” No longer considered a passing trend...
DC Universe Animated Original Movies has done it again with the latest addition to its series of top quality home premieres,All-Star Superman . A skillful screen...
JHM contributor Peter Bell returns with his take on all the new rides, shows and attractions that were recently announced for the Disneyland Paris Resort.
JHM contributor Peter Bell returns with another great column about this troubled Parisian theme park. This time around, Bell reveals the Goofy plans the Imagineers supposedly...
JHM guest writer Peter Bell reveals some intriguing rumors about the Adventure Isle section at Disneyland Paris. Could it be that Capt. Jack Sparrow is about...