“Pinocchio” has long been hailed as Walt Disney’s masterpiece. While Walt Disney Animation Studios‘ second feature-length production may admittedly lack the heart that “Snow White and...
Given that Dana Daniels began his career at Disneyland Park, you wouldn’t think that this award-winning comedy magician would be all that impressed with palaces. Ah,...
“Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” had a pretty big year in 2016. Thanks to Josh Groban, this 72 year-old Hugh Martin / Ralph Blane tune...
Head’s up to all you baby boomers out there: Tonight’s your last chance to catch the “Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas” during its annual...
How hard can it be? That was the question that Garth Jennings asked himself when Chris Meledandri – the CEO of Illumination Entertainment – offered him...
If you ask fans of the original “DuckTales” (which debuted in syndication back in September of 1987) what their favorite aspect of this animated TV series...
To hear Gareth Edwards tell this story, it was early 2014. He was right in the middle of working on “Godzilla,” his first huge Hollywood franchise...
Before you put that Christmas card in the mail to Grandma, I want you to pause for a moment and think about the artist who drew...
Never mind about that Grinch who stole Christmas. Have you heard about the pig who saved a national treasure on Thanksgiving morning? Those of you who...
You’d think – looking at Maui from Disney’s “Moana” – given this demigod’s dimples (more importantly, those eyebrows) that Dwayne Johnson was always supposed to be...