After a prolonged absense, Patrick Hurd returns with a brand new "At Home Imagineering" project. This time around, Patrick shows JHM readers how to recreate this...
Wade Sampson keeps the Fourth of July fun going for just a few days longer by detailing Walt's love for the U.S.A.
Jim Hill talks more about how Card Walker's caution actually held Walt Disney Productions back in the 1970s as well as Harrison Ellenshaw's ambition & artistry....
Following up on last week's announcement of Disney's plan for "Chicken Little," Digital cinema guru Joe Kleiman brings JHM readers even more news about the latest...
It's a race for space as Disney Productions executives dither over whether their studio should actually put "Space Probe One"into production, while George Lucas basically wills...
In honor of Independence Day, Len Testa of the "Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World" pay tribute to a patriotic attraction.
Now that Hill's actually gotten the revised version of "Star Tours" saga up & running on JHM, Joe Kleiman shares some interesting stories about a company...
As a special Fourth-of-July treat, Jim finally rolls out the first chapter of his revised "Star Tours" series. In today's installment, Hill talks about the obvious...
Roger offers a look at a Disney compact disc release that is only the beginning of sharing help for those in need in a very special...
... plus all sorts of other Disney Theatrical-related news, as Jim Hill shares the latest news about what the Mouse is about to do on Broadway.