From Walt Disney Animation Studios, the team behind “Frozen” and “Wreck-It Ralph,” comes the 54th feature film from Walt Disney Animation Studios, “Big Hero 6,” an action-packed...
BURBANK, Calif. (Sept. 2, 2014) From Walt Disney Animation Studios comes the new animated short “Frozen Fever,” welcoming back to the big screen Anna, Elsa,...
Welcome to the JHM newsletter. This has been a passion project of Nancy and I for the past few months. A way for us to (hopefully)...
So how exactly does Diagon Alley's marquee attraction — "Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts" — compare to Hogsmeade's signature ride, "Harry Potter and the...
You’d think — what with “Newsies” Broadway run coming to a close this past Sunday afternoon — that the crowd outside of the Nederlander Theatre would...
PLAYS 7,000th PERFORMANCE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd AT 7:00PM Disney’s landmark musical event, THE LION KING, will play its 7,000th Broadway performance at 7:00pm on Wednesday, September...
With apologies to Mel Brooks, while it may be good to be the king, it's great to be the princess. Particularly if you're "Sofia the First,"...
Given that we're right in the middle of an early cold spell up here in New Hampshire, I'm thinking that now would be a good time...