It’s the early 2000s. Things are starting to get spikey between Michael Eisner and Steve Jobs in regards to Pixar Animation Studios. These two titans of...
Jim Hill shares some stories about the first film in the "Pirates" trilogy. In particular how Disney's former CEO -- because he genuinely believed that teenagers...
Strange but true, folks. Jim Hill explains how the Walt Disney Company's former CEO initially helped get that 1976 remake of "Kong" underway, then inadvertantly helped...
It's been said that "A picture is worth a thousand words." Well, as Jim Hill points out, sometimes what's being done to a photograph can also...
It's the end of an era. As Michael Eisner wraps up his run at the Mouse House, the Aspiring Aspirer takes one last look at the...
With less than two weeks 'til Michael Eisner officially steps down as the head of the Mouse House, the Aspiring Aspirer reviews what JHM readers have...
The Aspiring Aspirer wants to enlist your help in an intriguing new project here at JHM. Where Disneyana fans will attempt to sum up Michael Eisner's...
Jim Hill reveals a BERRY interesting story about where the Imagineers were thinking about resurrecting that history theme park that the Walt Disney Company originally had...
Ever wonder about the nightclubs that DIDN'T get built as part of Disney World's original nightclub district, Pleasure Island? Jim Hill reveals details about the club...
Given that it's been over two years since this DCA attraction was last open to the public, many people have forgotten how horrible Superstar Limo was....